Anamnesis, of Renascents and Monsters,

A text-based simulation and role playing game of exploration, warfare, intrigue and romance in a low fantasy, early 20th century environment.

Wednesday, January 25, 2023

On Seven Updateless Months

So I'm still alive and so is my intention to continue developing Anamnesis.

It's just that free time has become a precious luxury and human interaction or even public expressions like making a post feel like a chore now so they're basically the last thing I want to do during my meagre free time.

I blame the new job for it. I'm what you might call a mall cop now so I have to deal on a nearly daily basis with such disheartening artefacts of modern first world society as karens, teenagers and mid-level managers. These encounters rarely cost me any health points but boy do they drain my sanity points. Still, it's stable and pays the bills, which is more than can be said about my previous jobs or Anamnesis development so I'm probably stuck with it for the time being.

The main reason for the lack of progress these months is that I'm currently working split shifts from Monday to Saturday with the odd Sunday thrown in for good measure and, as it turns out, this is a great way to kill one's imagination. The relocation and paperwork is mostly out of the way now and poor old bunny is very dead now but I still barely get 2 to 3 hours a day for myself, non-consecutive hours at that, in which I often find myself simply wanting to crawl back into my lair and switch my brain off.

It's not all bad though. If the boss person is to be believed I'll be assigned somewhere else soonish and one week into my first paid vacations I've already made more progress than I did in all these past months together, meaning my imagination isn't completely dead yet.

These dull months also gave me a new perspective on many things and even allowed me to enjoy game content I forgot I wrote. Chuckling at one's own jokes is both strangely sad and amazing at the same time and I consistently get to pat myself on the back when I seem to find an inconsistency that turns out to be explained elsewhere in the game. Sometimes I actually get the feeling near-past me was a smarter individual than I am.

As for the game's development itself, the neglected "Working on..." list has been readjusted to account for 30 player peculiarities rather than 28 in the end because I probably need as much variety of those as possible and a little more wait can't hurt that much anymore. I'm reticent to touch too much code after all these months but some more balancing and tweaking might be in order once I become more familiar with it and make double-sure I'm not breaking anything else.

Once this release is out of the way and until my free time is more concentrated again, whenever that is, I'll probably focus on new content, balance and fixes rather than any new big systems. I've been getting a number of crazy ideas over these months as to what to do next but these are probably too crazy to even talk about yet.

Rest assured however, I'm not smart enough to stop working altogether on Anamnesis.


  1. My condolences for your bunny. As a ex-mall cop I shall pray for your mental health and hope you get a better post.

  2. i'm personally just glad you're still hanging in there, life definitely has a way of messing up plans but i'm sure you hear that from plenty of other people too. many well wishes and best of luck with what you're doing.
