Like units in the current version, territories and lobbies will also be classified by their technological requirements and selected accordingly at the beginning of each cycle in the next version.
The effects will be subtle for now because we would need more territories and lobbies to make these cycles diverse, meaning entirely victorian or entirely interwar settings will still be rare, but the framework is now in place for the future. I believe this to be a better path to take than adapting territories to the current technological level for the reasons mentioned in previous posts.
I've also been tweaking and making some general improvements on the selection of those events at the end and start of each week concerning units, relics and such because I was dumb when I coded the original system. Among other things it will now be clearer which enemy units are going on a rampage and need to be dealt with and harder to tell what effects are caused by a looming doom and which ones happen just by chance.
Work on the character peculiarities continues meanwhile, but disappointingly slowly. I would like to get at least close to 30 of them for the first iteration but I barely got 10 so far. I'm not entirely sure why but I must admit I've never been as unproductive in all these years of development, which is why there is still no goal number on the "Working on" thingy at the side for this item. Normally I work for a while on a new feature, see how much stuff gets done on average in a day and estimate how many more days it would take, but when performance is all over the place the numbers remains pretty much arbitrary.
Trust me however when I say that the lack of progress hurts me more than it hurts you.
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