Anamnesis, of Renascents and Monsters,

A text-based simulation and role playing game of exploration, warfare, intrigue and romance in a low fantasy, early 20th century environment.

Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Tweaks, Bugfixes and Things Put Aside

So a completely unexpected thing happened by the time of  the previous post and people started playing Anamnesis, resulting in an influx of bug reports, including a few pressing ones that would be best to get out of the way as soon as possible.

Therefore, even though I mentioned in that last post that I'd be making the technological diffusion affect territories and their events, I was counting on this taking a couple of months so I'll put it aside for now to get a fixed release out sooner. I still need to add a number of new units to pad up the low technology stalwart and high technology influenced unit catalogues though, so the aim will be having a new version sometime next month.

The fixes in this new version will include things like actually being able to research The Punisher of Kings, removing an infinite unit exporting exploit, civilians occasionally falling dead for no reason during combat, a crash involving converted units and aristocrats that failed to realize they were dead. Some of these were rather amusing and a bit of a shame to fix though.

As for tweaks, having a lot of destroyed territories used to significantly lower the chances of lost relic pieces reappearing, but now the game can tell when this happens and speed things up a bit.

Reaching a truce with an enemy unit through an envoy will now also prevent mundane and renascent ones from extracting the Arkhe in the territory and in the case of monsters keep them from multiplying and expanding into other territories. This should make truces slightly more useful and give players a tool to prevent having to deal with 8 Terrors from the Deep without taking the fun of snowballing monster infestations away entirely, at least for now.

The bad news is, I made the mistake of properly doing my job in that one place I hated so much in which I spent most of August and September and will be going back for November and December. This time I'll be guarding a bunch of pipes by night a few kilometres away from civilization all by myself during the weekends rather than bothering railway travelers, so at least I won't be doing any long-term moving around and will have more free time to finish things up in time.

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