Anamnesis, of Renascents and Monsters,

A text-based simulation and role playing game of exploration, warfare, intrigue and romance in a low fantasy, early 20th century environment.

Thursday, September 16, 2021

Clock Auctions, Windjammers and Cowboys

In the next version of Anamnesis, about half the auctions will be what are commonly called dutch auctions. It'd be weird to call them like that in a game set on a fictional world though, so let's go with the less popular term of clock auction instead.

Rather than bid ever higher until you're the only one interested in paying that much, these auctions instead start at an already high asking price that decreases by a fixed rate every time you choose to wait, but you risk any of the gathering interested bidders choosing to pay that price every time you wait.

Meanwhile, the low tech units are actually proving quite fun to work with, an interesting change of pace at any rate, incidentally allowing me to further develop and explain bits and pieces of the game's history in their lore.

I can easily go all the way back to around 1870 or even slightly lower in some cases and still get congruent units easily explainable for some economic, political or social reason or another. In fact, many already existing units could actually be argued to belong to that general era more strongly than any historical 1930s society coming to memory right now. Anything beyond that however would need its own set of units, lobbies and territories and require many, many years of work even at a good pace, so it's unlikely to happen unless one of you happens to have a game development team lying about somewhere that you'd be willing to let me borrow.

Other than that, I recently died working 11 days straight in a row with a bunch of 12 hour night shifts mixed in there to really throw my circadian rhythm off whack, but I'm better now. I don't think I have lost any more weight to this but I fear I might have started to lose IQ points instead.

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