These barely count as full features and they sound a lot more exciting than they really are but still make the game more interesting so I'll give them their own development post. It's been quite a while since the last one after all.
The fist one is pretty self-explanatory. The frequency at which lobbies were changing the mainland was too slow for wars to really have an impact, so the overall frequency has been increased and now the more at war the world is, the more often mainland territories will enact new policies or attack each other. The odds are still heavily stacked against The Court so it's up to you whether it suits your interests to propitiate or avoid a world war.
On the other hand, the up to 7 units you could have details for have been doubled to 14, with the knowledge remaining with you between cycles. You'll still need a Fortress/Dungeon or higher to be offered details and manufacture or summon them, but this will have increasingly more important ramifications and make the long term game more interesting once technological ages become more differentiated.
If we're playing stalwart and we're successful enough on a 1930s cycle we might get to carry on and manufacture landships and dreadnoughts to get a huge advantage against the horrors of your average 1880s cycle. Conversely, lucky influenced players will still be able to rely on the good old Terror from the Deep on a high tech era and show those hopeless stalwarts just how far their big guns can really get them.
It is partly to be able to better diversify cycles that I've been focusing on new content lately, mainly with an eye on those areas with the lesser variety at present, such as 1880s stalwart stuff and 1930s influenced stuff. As more content is added, I'll be gradually allowing technological levels to have a stronger effect on the selection of adequate units, lobbies and territories giving us increasingly more genuinely victorian and interwar periods.
It's still a long term goal though, so don't expect that any time soon with what little free time I currently have. There are universes out there in which Anamnesis will eventually have enough content to even go up to a cold war era, but I'm not sure this is one of them.
Then again there are alternate universes where I've already been stabbed to death over a lousy stolen neck warmer for next to minimum wage so count your blessings and all that.
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