Anamnesis, of Renascents and Monsters,

A text-based simulation and role playing game of exploration, warfare, intrigue and romance in a low fantasy, early 20th century environment.

Monday, January 4, 2021

New Year's Screen Resolution

The game's screen will be stretched to a 16:9 ratio for the next release, going from a 800x600 resolution to a 1088x612 one, thus making the game 326400 pixels more fun.

I could have chosen a larger resolution but I decided to keep it relatively small for the sake of those playing on smaller screens. The important thing is that, among other things, we got more space in the information screens for future features, the feyfolk screen isn't as cramped anymore, and it should be much rarer for text screens to overflow beyond their boundaries now.

Many graphics had to be modified or redone entirely and the relative position of almost every displayable had to be tediously nudged around until everything was back in place. Fortunately, the worst is over now, things are functional again and I'm satisfied with the results for the most part.

This wider ratio is also a prerequisite for a number of sometimes requested things like pretty pictures, a dedicated android port and perhaps even doing something really crazy like sharing the game to a wider audience. Don't hold your breath waiting for any of those though because they might never happen anyway.


Now, I don't have one of them big, efficient programmer brains so all this technical stuff, probably done the hard way, is leaving me pretty exhausted and uninterested in coding new features for the time being, so for the following weeks I'll probably just spend some time adding content to the game until all the graphics are ready.

In particular, I want to take plenty of time thinking of a nice title screen that can properly set the mood for the game. I honestly have no idea what to put in there yet and I can't just cheat and stretch the current title background because that moon would look all goofy and egg-shaped.

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