Anamnesis, of Renascents and Monsters,

A text-based simulation and role playing game of exploration, warfare, intrigue and romance in a low fantasy, early 20th century environment.

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Financial Data and Slightly Expanded Base Defences

All the base defences in the game now have an additional Local Tension value besides the main one determining the strength of opportunistic attacks for units of the same culture as the terrain.

This better accommodates some non-violent defences such as mists or plain warning signs, which will now deal no damage during those attacks, but instead slightly lower Local Tension each week. On the other hand, other defences such as beastfolk goons will be cheap but actually increase Local Tension. You still only get one defence in your base so you'll have to make a choice to better suit your needs.

As for the other part of the tittle, now when you have active loans, they'll be shown in a menu under the "Correspondence" option to help players better control their finances. In the same spirit, you'll be shown how much are units and maritime trade licenses costing you each week next to their menu options.

Finally, as a side note, you will now also be able to cancel maritime trade licenses and access all related information even if you don't have an Outstation/Hideout. Thanks to this, you won't get stuck paying for a license you can't use because of bad choices like those I've been making during the recent test runs.

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