Anamnesis, of Renascents and Monsters,

A text-based simulation and role playing game of exploration, warfare, intrigue and romance in a low fantasy, early 20th century environment.

Monday, August 8, 2016

Terrain Anomalies and Destruction Tweaks

Just a quick note on the latest tweaks I felt like doing.

On the one hand, when a terrain is destroyed either because of an anomaly or weariness, a percentage of the population will die or be forced to relocate outside of the colony as a consequence. This will depend on the amount of territories still available, so that losing one or 2 or even half of them won't have a catastrophic event, but when you're down to 2 or 3 territories still standing within the colony you might end up losing half the population when one of them is destroyed.

On the other hand, on a more positive note, other lobbies and authorities will now try to take care of anomalies, so the burden won't solely rest upon the player's shoulders anymore. This means that an unattended anomaly will not just automatically trigger a disaster, but might instead be fixed about half the times.

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