Anamnesis, of Renascents and Monsters,

A text-based simulation and role playing game of exploration, warfare, intrigue and romance in a low fantasy, early 20th century environment.

Friday, May 20, 2016

Overseas Projects

You will now be able to undertake a few overseas projects from the Projects menu in order to manipulate the stats of the different overseas territories.

For now these projects will only be available if you have an outstation/hideout or higher as base, but I might change my mind in the future and make them available only for a fortress/dungeon. You'll get 4 basic types of projects allowing you to increase (using Terror) or decrease (using Intelligence) the Tension and Instability of each territory. When Global Belligerence is over 1 and the factions are at war, you'll also get an extra project allowing you to simply attack the territory, using Resistance and causing both the Strength and the Economy of the territory to decrease at once.

There will also be an extra project of variable cost to overthrow the controlling lobby of that territory, also using Resistance and causing the current lobby to be replaced by a new one. The cost will be high, but dependent on all the other values, so that attacking and sabotaging the city or protectorate will gradually lower the cost of overthrowing those in control.

There is a chance that these projects will be disrupted by native enemy units on the field, which will increase depending on Global Belligerence and the Tension and Instability of the territory. In case of an attack, you'll have to send units to deal with them in a slightly similar way to how you deal with threats to maritime commerce right now. This means that wise players will have proper units prepared to be shipped crossing a large body of water on notice in order to fight to prevent these projects from being halted. These combats will take place in new pseudo-locations taking the broad characteristics of each city or protectorate, again a little like some combat takes place in the High Seas now.

Other than that, I also mentioned in the last post getting another free mirror for the downloads, but I decided against it for now. After poking around a bit, it looks like all of them are either ad-ridden or would end up deleting the files due to inactivity, since over the last month and before all those "visitors" from the hacking incident, there was a total of 3 game downloads. I'm pretty confident that Dropbox can handle that much traffic, so I'm going to save myself the hassle.

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